Product Description
Da-Lite 99843 Fast-Fold Truss Complete Screen Kit (11'6" x 19'8") - 99843
The Dalite 11'6" x 19'8" Fast-Fold Truss Complete Screen Kit is a terrific screen to use when you are doing a point-of-purchase, location or non-permanent installation presentation. If you travel, this screen can save the day. It features folding 6" truss frame legs that are heavy duty. Fast-Folds are available in many sizes to accommodate your needs.
The legs are made from anodized aluminum and are etched and free from burrs. They are held together with piano hinges and assemble using "Speedy Cranks" to facilitate setup and and breakdown. All legs and frame are welded and made from rigid 1" aluminum . No other tools are required. All components fit into the included durable, wheeled carrying case for convenient transport and storage.
Front and rear projection screen surfaces can be interchanged at any time. The screen can be adjusted up or down in 6" increments. Includes rugged polyethylene carrying cases.
The tab-tensioning feature assures a flat, undistorted image. The back of the screen is designed with additional bracing to promote an even flatness to the screen surface. When this is achieved, the projected image appears more professional leaving less room for your audience to be distracted by a potentially skewed image.
- All components fit into durable carrying cases for convenient transport and storage
- No special tools required for setup
- Airline transportable
- All surfaces up to and including 12' high will be seamless
- Available with DA-Mat, DA-Tex, High Contrast Da-Tex), Cinema Vision, Pearlescent, Dual Vision and Ultra Wide Angle (Rear) viewing surfaces